Poetry Reading event at Single Onion featured excellent Canadian poets, from Ontario and New Brunswick, Susan Sinclair, N. Otiono, & Kevin A. Heslop. It was great to be the Calgary, Albertan, local connection, as part of the longest-standing forum for Poets (with Kirk Douglas:-) ) #loveyyc; and to be sharing in the high lyrical fiber🌡. #Stand with Ukraine
Poetry Reading event at SINGLE ONION Calgary, AB
April 21, 2022 @Single Onion
Casa México: lectura poética de SOL DE NAGANO, como parte del festival dÃas culturales de Alberta. Están invitados/as a una presentación online de mi obra publicada en formato fanzine (chapbook).
Casa Mexico presented a poetic reading: SOL DE NAGANO, last October 14 '21, as part of the ongoing events in the Festival Alberta Culture days. You are invited to an online presentation of self-published work. October 14, 2021 @CasaMexico
Casa Mexico presented a poetic reading: SOL DE NAGANO, last October 14 '21, as part of the ongoing events in the Festival Alberta Culture days. You are invited to an online presentation of self-published work. October 14, 2021 @CasaMexico